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Trick skiing is the purest form of water-skiing. There is just the skier, ski and handle with complete freedom to move in any direction with no fin. Toe tricks can help build that over-used slalom back leg as well. So there is even a re-hab component to tricks. The body can take a break because not only is line load is lower, buy you can ski in reverse position.  There is nothing better on sunny and calm day on the lake to drop in a bust out a nice trick run of ski lines, body overs and wake 720's, Just...

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Obviously the water-ski handle is a big part of the sport. How you handle the handle in your slalom ski "style" can be a difference maker.  Handle positioning might be a pro secret or skiers might not realize they're doing it. Today, most of the top pros are very specific in how the handle is positioned throughout the course.  The technique is to have the handle level and gradually releasing out forward to setup a killer turn.  On your offside you want the long-end of the handle end pointing into the course.  For the onside you want the opposite, the handle...

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Some lakes, like a shallow private competition site, don't change too much when they cool off. This is because without new fresh water, the impurities stay about the same. Other lakes "die" over the winter season and the water cleans right up, the once-alive micro organisms settling to the bottom. In these deeper, fresh or northern lakes you will see profound changes in water quality. Overall, the water becomes more viscous, which means thicker or heavier like a higher grade motor oil. The ski will not turn as a fast, and it takes more time to complete the turn. Additionally the ski rides...

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I visited a busy sport store in Vancouver today, aptly named "Sports Junkies" Of course I could be accused of being a “Sports Junky” myself as a water/snow skier - turned boarder, a surfer who is a swimmer & cyclist that loves to run after. Even a hockey player who swings a tennis racquet or golf club from time to time in the off-season.  You won’t see me pass up a good soccer match either! Seriously though, I was at “Sports Junkies” to a) Try some Full Tilt ski boots and b) Talk to the owners to see if they...

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